Carlos Hernandez

Software Developer

Info & Links:


Move Finder

Using multiple APIs me and a small group of developers created a webapp that lets its user search for movie titles and see what streaming platforms they're available on.

  • I was in charge of the JavaScript for this project. I wrote several different functions that utilized our APIs to gather the data we used to display the search results. Using JavaScript and jQuery we were also able to generate HTML code to update our webpage after each search.
  • Using we styled our HTML, we also used some custom CSS.
  • Github Repo
Weather App

Using OpenWeather API I made a website that lets users search for current weather and a 5 day forecast. Complete with a history search box.

  • This project relied on taking advantahe of the different API parameters and flex box CSS to gather and arrange the search results. We also displayed the history tab by using the browsers local storage availablilty.
  • Github Repo
Day Planner

A webapp that can be used to plan out each day. This lets turn to any day and create a detailed outline of your day.

  • Using jQuery, I created dynamically changing textareas that lets users fillout hourly timeblocks, these hourly blocks are also color coded to determing whether they're upcoming or in the past. We can also switch dates by using a datepicker.
  • This project relied heavily on the users local storage and JSON object manipulation to store users entries.
  • Github Repo
About Me

My name is Carlos Hernandez I'm a graduate from Cal Poly Univeristy, currentaly working as a Software Developer for ITPI, a company based in San Bernardino, California. I've also completed a Web Development program at the Univeristy of California, Riverside to further my web development skills. I'm always looking for new and exciting projects and ready and willing to learn new skills. I have a passion for all things programming and computer related. I also enjoy spending time outdoors.

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